We also found a few decisions rather confusing or irritating – why do you have to collect your post-win rewards individually? Why even have the option to skip them? Maybe we’re just rubbish, but we can’t imagine getting particularly far without buying more items and cards. The visual style is generic and cheap-looking, with animations that fail to spark interest and a litany of performance issues like hitching and slowdown – just moving both analogue sticks at once causes the game to violently soil itself in an attack to multitask, which is technically atrocious. In fact, we'd say that graphically, we fear that Neoverse Trinity Edition leaves quite a lot to be desired. Additionally, the UI feels extremely small and bitty in handheld mode – the text is minuscule and, while readable, it’s far from ideal. This writer is fully prepared to hold his hands up in deference to his own stupidity, but shuffling the deck – a request the game repeatedly made of us – remained an absolute mystery, despite inspecting every command on the screen. Clarity, however, is something of an issue. It’s pretty compelling as you figure out how your deck works, how you interact with the enemies and how to mitigate the nuisance cards they’ll foist on your hand. You can also get single-use items that don’t cost anything to use but can turn the tide of a sticky situation quite effectively – healing your HP, or unleashing a single powerful attack, for example. Thankfully, you’re able to use the cash and skill points you’ll gain through winning “matches” and achieving different goals to upgrade your abilities as well as buy and upgrade cards for your deck. You’ll need to balance attacks with defensive moves as you work your way through to each boss battle, because your health doesn’t automatically regenerate between fights. Pick your card, and if you can afford it, you’ll play the thing. You’ll have five cards drawn across the bottom of the screen. While it’s just a series of card battles, they play out like a turn-based RPG. That doesn’t mean we didn’t have fun with Neoverse Trinity Edition, though. Captured on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Undocked) As it stands, there’s a bit of a barrier to entry why is any of this happening? Who are these people? What do these numbers mean? What are these currencies for? A combo bar? What combo? What does “Punishment” mean in this context? How does Radioactivity affect your plays? Even now, we’re not sure of the answer to all of these questions. It’s nice that the core game isn’t super complex, but a compact little tutorial would have gone a long way to ease the player into Neoverse Trinity Edition.